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Insurance fraud investigation Involving vehicle accidents

Desk top ready analysis:

We will analyze the accident and examine the damage on the vehicles based on the scenario of the accident as it was reported and photographs of the vehicle.

We will determine:

  1. if the damage to the vehicles is consistent with the accident as it was reported.
  2. If any of the damage to the vehicle is old damage and is not consistent with the accident.
  3. If the quality of the pictures be good, we may be able to tell if the paint transfer between the two vehicles is the result of this accident or if the paint was added to the vehicles manually, to make it look like a paint transfer between the two vehicles. (we would need lots of good pictures for this)
  4. (If this is a minor collision/low velocity accident and you are interested to know the acceleration experienced by the drivers of the vehicles, please click on Biomechanics & Low velocity collision analysis hyper link)
    Biomechanics & Low velocity Collision Analysis

Damage consistency and insurance fraud investigation….$980.00

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